From October 23 to October 29, 2024


Activaded by 1RC206 Gianfranco



I M P O R T A N T  ! ! !

R e a d y    C a r e f u l l y

Some tips for correct radio behavior


I will listen, listen and then listen again before calling. I will only call if I can successfully copy the DX station. I will not trust the DX cluster and be sure of the DX station callsign before calling. I will not interfere with the DX station or anyone calling and I will never tune into the DX frequency or QSX slot. I will wait for the DX station to finish a contact before calling. I will always send my full call sign message. I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval. I won't call non-stop. I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another callsign, not mine. I will not transmit when the DX operator requests a different callsign than mine. I will not transmit when the DX station requests different geographic areas than mine. When the DX operator calls me, I will not repeat my callsign unless I think he copied it incorrectly. I will be grateful if and when I make contact. I will respect my fellow CB and behave in a way that earns their respect.



(1) If you send your QSL a contribution is required, as there are expenses to bear, if you are not interested in sending it, the EQSL is available and you pay nothing.

(2) EQSL without QSO data is invalid.

(3) Before calling the activator listen, if you don't listen, let others connect and try again later.

(4) If it is possible, try to make only 1 contact using a single QRZ, so you give the possibility to someone else to connect the division and maybe it can be a new country for him.

(5) If you are a nuisance you will be blacklisted, you will no longer be present in the log and you will lose the possibility of having confirmation of the division.

HQ RC Italia


I recommend not sending the contribution in the envelope, for which I do not assume any responsibility, except the QSL arrives, or I receive the envelope open and without contribution, for This is available PAYPAL, to avoid problems and unnecessary discussions.


If you pay with PayPal, don't forget to use the send money to a friend option, otherwise I will receive a smaller amount and then it bothers me a bit to contact the person concerned and ask him for the missing change. Thanks for your understanding!


Contact will be confirmed with EQSL Card,

EQSL available into

if you want a paper QSL Card is necessary a contribution.

QSL card without contribution isn't confirmed.

You can send your contribution trough PayPal @ :

SAE is appreciated.

(Read the information below)


When you send S.A.E. , the address must be on the bottom right and not in the center, otherwise the stamp may cover your address.

Thanks for your help! 



If you have any questions for me ,

Write to me at :

Or fill out the form below

Nota: I campi con l'asterisco sono richiesti